Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Stop Trying to Make Money and Build a Business - The Seven Keys

Everybody wants to make money however to make significant money and to make a significant difference is to build a business. Technically money isn't made it is earned. Therefore you need a vehicle or a platform to earn money. A business is the best way to earn money. If you are able to provide a product or service that fulfills a need you will earn money and a business is the best way to make it happen.

The amount of money you earn will be dependent upon how well you do business. Businesses account for ninety-seven percent of the total money generated and twenty-eight percent of total spending in the United States. It is estimated that by the year 2011 ninety-five percent of businesses will be classified as small. This is provides a tremendous opportunity for those who desire to earn more money.

Earning money is really about independence many people get focus on making money and fail to realize that they are basically giving up their independence with this mindset. The key to financial independence is building a profitable business. It is a sad commentary that a high percentage of businesses fail in years one through five. This may be a surprise but businesses don't fail the owner of the business fails. The main reason this occurs is two fold. First, the business owner is trying to make money and second the owner fails to take the time to build a profitable business.

The effort we are expending to make money should be re-channeled into building a business that earns money. Most people get into a business because of the potential money that can be made in a particular industry or market. The decision to build a business is based on how you can serve a segment of the market better or providing better quality product in an attempt to actually earn money.In building a business we must find opportunities through offering value. We can not be trapped by trying to extract from but we must be liberated by giving to. By giving we receive. It is more blessed to give than to receive. This work in building a business that earns.

Any business can generate money but all business do not earn money. The key is to make changes and improvements that put the company in a position to succeed. The level at which your business earns money is consistent with the quality and quantity of the value provided to the market.

Don't be focused on making money be concerned with business building. The concept of making anything is based on limits but building is not about limits. As we build we are positioned to earn. There are no limits when we earn money because money is not controlled by the market but by the consumer. The consumer determines the value and what they are willing to give and invest into the business.

It requires vision to see beyond 12 months and it requires vision to see beyond money. It takes vision to build and earn. It only requires a wish to believe we can make money by doing certain things. Our vision will help us avoid the temptations of pie in the sky, free lunch, overnight riches and something for money mentality. Business is not built on wishes, it is built on vision. In order to stop focusing on making money and begin building a business follow these keys to begin the process.

Key 1. Enthusiasm means the spirit within us.

Avoiding the spirit of greed and cultivating the spirit of service is essential. We must understand our enthusiasm can be motivated from the wrong sources. Be enthusiastic about building a profitable business that serves and earns money.

Key 2. Eliminate the fear of loss and rejection.

These two concepts cause many to fail before they get started. Unfortunately people focused on making money are controlled by these fears and the ability to earn is destroyed.

Key 3. Strive for professional excellence.

The degree of Mediocrity and failure is no plan. However it is a part of the success process so keep going and do the right thing.

Key 4. Market to build relationships.

It is not about trying to squeeze a dollar out of every person you come in contact. It is about building trust and meeting needs of the market. This will build something greater than a sale it will build a relationship.

Key 5. Personal Accountability.

Set some individual standards and work consistently to meet them. Start over when you fall short, reward yourself when you meet them and set the bar a little higher.

Key 6. Establish Integrity.

Be honest. Stand by your word. Deliver what you promise and exceed expectations.

Key 7. Avoid hype, deception and poor service.

This is nothing more than manipulation and stealing. This is causing the law of reciprocity to work negatively against you.

Harold is a passionate and skilled multipreneur. If you you have questions about building multiple streams of income through the combination of several interrelated businesses find out how here:

Harold is developing some powerful eCourses, reports, eBooks, and training resources check it out at httpp://

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