Learn this, and grow your MLM's
Learn how to excel and build in any network marketing program! Don't work hard and accomplish nothing or exhaust yourself just to make a little extra. Learn to work and build smart, and over time your income will grow. There is no get rich quick!
No business can be centered around an opportunity or a product. I know what you've been told. Bare with me. It must be built around you, your name, and your relationships. You are your own true asset and that cannot be taken away. Networking is a people business driven by marketing.
People are the commodity being traded, and you must position yourself in a manner that allows you to capitalize on that process through many different channels. (Tip: Build a list of every contact, whether they bought or bailed. They were interested in your business. You just didn't sell yourself.) Don't worry you'll get them later when you understand this.
Simply building a down line which can disappear at any time, build an empire that reaches out and touches many people as possible throughout the entire industry, including your "competition". When your building a down line you should start from a strong foundation. You can not teach what you don't know. You must know that people don't like to get sold. They like benefits and they like to feel your only about helping them, not yourself.
What you don't know
Here is what you don't know about those big earners that pulled you into the company. There are hundreds of full-time net workers that are making multiple six-figure incomes who are constantly pulling their hair out trying to keep status and filling gaps in the comp plan to keep their check, buying extra volume to qualify for the monthly bonus, etc... They are always a few distributors away from losing half their income. You have two choices... You can put both your hands into one company basket and just build a "down line", or...
You can realize that "people" are your business and put your hand in as many baskets as you want - ensuring you and your "real business" are safe and profitable no matter what happens. Your client then will attract you more customer and your down line will grow because their client are sending you more referrals. Its that simple.
Just Imagine
Just imagine your car is being detailed and it cost $50 more than you expected. You are upset because a good friend referred you to this establishment. However before the started they escorted you to a beautiful waiting area with snacks and a big screen television with cable. With the latest magazines to read in their comfortable clean chairs. After the experience of feeling like royalty you couldn't justify why they didn't deserve that money. In fact you told everybody you ran into about this wonderful place with this great service.
With the understanding that you sell yourself, you will have what it take to train a successful down line and if you will instill in them the same value in their clients, you can very well grow expeditiously in your MLM's.
For more free marketing tips please go to http://marketingsuccesswithmrs.weebly.com