Monday, November 12, 2012

Wisdom - The Key to Making Money and Keeping It

You have probably heard it said that anyone can make money, and I believe it is true. After all, just look at the young kid out there selling lemonade with their uniquely constructed lemonade sign and stand. So here is proof that with a little knowledge, and after applying oneself to a given task, that a child and even a bum can make money.

However, the problem is not always in MAKING money, be it small or large, the problem is that most people do not know how to KEEP it. This is evident through the statistics done on many lottery winners around the world over the past several years who are rich today, but eventually wind up broke, busted, and disgusted tomorrow. Yeah, I know that is an exaggeration on my part. Well if not tomorrow, usually within a few short years, because before they know it their millions soon transform into pennies, and their wealth gone. Therefore, I have found that it will take our operating in WISDOM and DISCIPLINE in order to keep money.

So who was the richest man who ever lived? The Bible says it was a man by the name of King Solomon. So how did he amass such a GREAT fortune? Was it simply because he was born into royalty and money? Yes and no. Yes, Solomon came from an affluent family, and likewise succeeded in inheriting the throne of his father, King David, and yes this definitely gave him a jump start toward financial success. However, Solomon was only just beginning. He was a novice. How would he govern a vast nation of people? Could he keep the family fortune that was now his and continue the regal financial legacy of his royal family? The answer, YES. We learn that this relatively young and inexperienced leader eventually far exceeded even the riches of his father and the nation by and large. How was this possible? Because, at his earliest beginning he sought after and asked only one thing from the Lord, and that was wisdom (i.e. not long life or riches). Yes, I said WISDOM! His desire was for godly wisdom and guidance to rule a nation, his family, and his finances and this is what has made his name renown up until this present day. For Solomon himself, penned these very words, "that wisdom is the principal or chief thing, so in your getting, get understanding" (Proverbs 4:7). So below you will find just a few tips that I believe will help you hold on to your money longer. After all, they are working for me!


1) Ask the Lord for wisdom every day in your decisions. "He will give it to you liberally" (Book of James 1:5).

2) Count or consider the costs before beginning or undertaking any type of endeavor or project (e.g. time, money, resources..).

3) Tithe and/or give generously to help your fellow man (e.g. charities, churches, organizations, community) "Give and it shall be given to you...." (Gospel of St. Luke 6:38).

4) Investments are great assets. So be sure to find a good one.

5) Save $100 or more when possible and place into a money market savings account on a regular basis so you can accrue a little interest. Besides even "the ant gathers its food in the harvest" (Proverbs 6:6-8). Now that is what I call insectual wisdom!

6) Do not max out your credit cards. Besides, having ownership of only ONE major credit card will ensure that you do not build up a long line of debt. Also, pay those bills early so that extra fees will not come into play. Remember, "the borrower is subject to the lender" (Proverbs 22:7). So be sure to watch your spending.

7) Use cash whenever possible. There are no interests, fees, nor debt pileup when using currency.

Here is one final word from the one of the wisest and richest men of his time, "Labor not to be rich: cease from your own wisdom. Will you set your eyes upon that which is not? For riches certainly make themselves wings; they fly away as an eagle toward heaven" (Proverbs 23:4-5). See there is a far greater and wiser investment to consider and to invest in, and that is the riches of ETERNITY. For more wisdom just go ahead and read the entire BOOK.

That's all for now folks!

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