To be an affiliate, make money and grow your network marketing business is a relatively new concept for most multilevel marketers. This is mainly due to the fact that we have all been taught to push our respective companies and nothing else.
It is a bad business practice to have all your eggs in one basket and it is even worse when that one basket is controlled by an outside party. Just think about it, didn't you get into a home based business to get away from the rat race because of no security.
Well you jumped out of one corporate controlled environment into another. Well ok, so maybe there is more security in your network marketing business than the corporate job, but I don't think so. MLM's go bankrupt each year and most people that join a networking business never really make anything.
Here is an example of how secure a networking business is. A friend of mine was doing really well in his network marketing business; in fact he was doing so well that he thought it would be OK to stop building his business for a while. Well it didn't take more than 6 months and his residual checks where cut in half.
If you ask me that isn't security, to me security means that if something happens to me my business will continue to grow and my family will be taken care of.
Some might say that's a pipe dream and not possible in network marketing because you have to continually train and motivate your down line. I have news for you; it is possible if you bring affiliate marketing into the mix. Now, I'm not talking just any affiliate sales, the products that you sell have to educate and build your down line for you.
It is how you become an affiliate, make money and build your MLM all at the same time.
So how does it work?
It is a rather simple process that involves selling an upfront affiliate product for $10 to $15 that will be of value and start to teach them. Some people say you can go as high as $60, but I like to keep it low.
By using a low front end product you can open the door to people that are serious about building a home business and it gives you the opportunity to start offering them more free education on how to build their business. This not only builds trust, but allows for bigger sales as they learn and opens the door to your MLM opportunity.
It isn't a tough job to get someone to spend $10. It is however a lot more difficult to get them to spend $500 to $1000 with someone they have never met before.
Not all of the people that purchase your affiliate product will join your down line, but some will, at any rate it doesn't matter because you make money on all the people that come through your sales funnel. The best part about this is you can have this setup generating you leads and making you money while you sleep, go on vacation or whatever you want to do.
To learn how you can get free education on building your MLM and build your own internet lead generation [] cash machine head over to my training site for more information.
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