Is your goal in life when it comes to success to make lots of money? Do you want to have a big house and a big bank account? Many people also want to have name brand clothing, expensive jewelry, and be able to travel the world and take exotic vacations. No matter what you want to spend your money on once you earn it, making sure you enjoy it is something you want to do.
There is nothing wrong with wanting material items. You will need to go after them in the right manner with the right mindset. Trying to get money just to get money is a losing game. Even if you achieve financial success, you will have missed all the other great lessons you could have learned along the way.
Integrity goes along with everything in life. If you are a great salesman with the ability to sell a woman in a white dress and white gloves a bottle of ketchup so to say, this is a great skill. It is a great skill so long as it is used for good purposes. If you are selling a valuable product or service that helps people get their needs met, keep doing what you are doing. If you are selling something of value to your customer, but have miserable employees that work in unfavorable conditions, then you should reconsider. Everything needs to be a win-win situation that you choose to partake in life. Money is a great motivator in life, but there is much more than money. Ask yourself this question, if I had all the money in the world, what would I do? The answer cannot be to make more of it. Think about it for a while and come up with some good answers
You should combine your ambition with financial success with helping others to succeed. Many of the wealthiest people in the world find much more joy in helping other people succeed and get to the next level in life, and then they do making more money. Helping others to grow in life is worth far more than any dollar amount could ever measure. People who provide services will teach you much more in life than just the service they provide. For example, first grade teachers usually help students learn how to read properly. This is a skill that you can use throughout the rest of your life to do anything, including making money. The schoolteacher you had that taught you to read was probably not that concerned with making a lot of money. However, she was concerned with helping you learn how to read, which then gave you the ability to do whatever you chose with it. Just as the teacher helped you learn to do something, you should help others as well, especially if you have the money and free time to do so. Give twice as much back as you have received and you will surely feel wonderful about yourself in the world.
Darius has been writing online now for a while and has many different interests. You can check out his websites at Bifocal Contact Lenses and Tropical Chandelier
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