So you want to make money on the Internet? You want to quit your job and work from home...establish a home based online business and become wealthy and prosperous! You want a risk-free proven income opportunity or system that is legitimate and highly profitable and of course in a top rated industry, hot market niche or high demand product category!
Let's don't want to work more than a few hours a week in your online business and it would be great if the online business ran itself when you weren't around, which you hope will be most of the time! After all, a work from home "entrepreneur" has to be able to travel and expand one's horizons! You know...places to go...people to see...things to do! Important Stuff!
To top it all off, it would be great if you could learn everything that there is to know about building and running a profitable home based online business and you could have all the tools that you need to set up, market and manage your online business ...RIGHT FREAKIN' NOW!
Well guess what Bubba...I CAN'T HELP YOU!
Look, I want you to know that you CAN make money online! I assume that is what you want or else why would you be clicking on all those opportunity ads and email spam ads? Why else would you be buying every new marketing program that sounds like the newest and greatest sure-fire money maker? Did you notice that there is so dog gone much HYPE floating around the net that it is hard to sort through it all. I Know!! I've spent a lot of time and money in the trenches myself and I've got the physical, emotional and wallet scars to prove it! Learning how to effectively build, market, manage and continually grow an online money making machine is one of the most demanding things I have ever done...but if you think that as long as you keep clicking on every good-sounding idea that comes along, an online business opportunity is just going to materialize one day and reveal itself to you in a dream as the next, sure-fire, best thing since sliced bread...
You Are Already ...DREAMING!
Sure...opportunity knocks all the time and there are many ways to make money...some good...some not so good, but you have to take action and...YOU HAVE TO SPEND MONEY! Not a lot, mind you, but enough to get yourself in front of a market. I'm trying to be as diplomatic as possible here, guys! The bottom line is this...if you have a fear of investing in yourself and/or your prospective online business then you better keep working for "the man" and hope that you hit the lottery...cuz that's the only way that you will get out of the rat race! Look...I don't mean to be harsh or judgmental, but in the process of stepping out of your comfort zone or coping with your fear of failure (whichever one has been holding you back) you WILL learn and grow a lot! And...if you follow through and actually take some action, you might even start making money online? Who'd a thunk! GO FIGURE!
Probably the best way to get started making money online is as an affiliate for someone else! What do I mean? Well, there are many successful people who have gone before you and created many types of products such as ebooks, how-to courses, product marketing sites, software marketing systems and on and on...! Lots of stuff!! They will allow you to sell their stuff and they will pay you rather handsomely in most cases. OK, here we go! In order to get going as an affiliate, there are 7 things, that if you do faithfully, will prosper you greatly.
1. You need to set up a payment account with a site called It will be an affiliate account and once set up, it will allow your sales to be tracked and your money to be sent to you.
2. You need to set up your own domain name and use it to point or forward to your affiliate sales page.
3. You need to promote your new domain name to anyone and everyone publicly. There are many ways to do this and I will get into more detail later.
4. You need to promote yourself amongst your friends and family. Start talking about your new excited and send everyone to visit.
5. You need to promote with articles and more articles. These can be posted in many venues such as this one, or in the many blogging communities that are all over the web. You will learn more about this in the step by step video tutorials.
6. You need to promote using classified ads in newspapers, yellow pages. church directories, bulletin boards, online ad sites and many, many more.
7. You need to promote with online groups of different interests and backgrounds. There are many such online communities and when you start to plug in to a few you will see success.
The key to the 7 steps here is to find someone who will support you as you get started and provide you with the "detailed" roadmap that I guarantee you will need early on! Many of the Publishers (creators of products) on the net are only interested in selling you their product and are not too concerned about helping you make money. If you can hook up with someone who will teach you how to duplicate their success step by step, you will greatly minimize the potential for failure. Affiliate marketing is not only a great way to get can also allow you to market in a field you love and are familiar with. As I said earlier, there are all kinds of products out there in all kinds of fields. Learn the ropes and then work in an area of marketing that really interests you. You will do much better!
I'm sure you've heard about bein' "Cuckoo for Coco Puffs"...right? Well I'm "FREAKY bout' Frogskins" and financial freedom and what that brings.. and I enjoy working with other wealth freaks just like me! When you get used to having large sums of money go into your bank account on a regular basis it changes the way you think about stuff and it certainly allows you to do a lot of really great things. Over the course of the next few weeks, in addition to affiliate marketing, I'm going to be revealing some of the best ways to break into the online marketing game and, at the same time, I will attempt to steer you clear of some of the most common pitfalls and money sucking, brain draining activities. In short, making money is only a means to an end! You will also need to know how to make the money WORK for you once you have your basics covered! (food, shelter, bills etc...) That is a whole different educational process, but one that is necessary for long term wealth and success. It's not as hard as you might think! Worse case scenario is that you may get a few of your questions answered along the way and maybe even...LEARN SOMETHING! There's a concept!! As always, with internet marketing, there is no high pressure! NONE! You may leave the way you came or you may leave a little richer!! The choice is yours!
Did you find this article thought provoking, or helpful in any way? (Hauntingly familiar, perhaps?) If not....keep dreaming and wishing! If so, then you NEED to take a look at the free, step-by-step video tutorials here and get started on the road to SUCCESS!