Sunday, December 9, 2012

Your financial freedom is free

The Best Things in Life come from the Heart

I received this from a friend of mine and I would feel guilty not
sharing it with you :) 

This is the book that changed many lives forever. I want to give you
this book because I believe education, training and getting in the
right mindset is crucially important when starting your own
More than likely, you’ve heard of this book and you may have even
read it.

It is responsible for creating hundreds of mulch-millionaires and
literally has the potential to teach you the secret to success
if you allow it. 

“Whatever your mind can conceive and believe it can achieve.”
- Napoleon Hill

I am in no way affiliated with this, and there’s nothing for sale
here. I just hope you read it and one day give me a holler to let me
know that because of this e-mail you made your first million.
I hope to hear from you soon :)

Thin and grow rich napoleon hill

Ez Money Method makes it easier now to make Money with Empower Network. Take action, go to the links and see how & then come join me :) )

Our Internet Funnel System is taking the online community by storm as one of the hottest affiliates to launch a proven system. Ez Money Method has incorporated Empower Network, Gvo and MyPCBackUp creating program that can help you launch you like a rocket to a six figure income by following the simply 8 core commitments in the shortest possible time. FREE Training and Membership

Instant Access to Ez Money Method

Monday, December 3, 2012

God Has Humor

Ez Mony Method
On the first day, God created the dog and said, sit all day by the door of your house and bark at anyone who comes in or walks past. For this I will give you a life span of twenty years. The dog said, “That’s a long time to be barking. How
about only ten years and I’ll give you back the other ten?” And God said that it was good.
On the second day, God created the monkey and said, “Entertain people, do tricks, and make them laugh. For this, I’ll give you a twenty-year life span.”
The monkey said, “Monkey tricks for twenty years? That’s a pretty long time to perform. How about I give you back ten like the dog did?”
And God again said that it was good.
On the third day, God created the cow and said, “You must go into the field with the farmer all day long and suffer under the sun, have calves and give milk to support the farmer’s family. For this, I will give you a life span of sixty years.”
The cow said, “That’s kind of a tough life you want me to live for sixty years. How about twenty and I’ll give back the other forty?”
And God agreed it was good.
On the fourth day, God created humans and said, “Eat, sleep, play, marry and enjoy your life. For this, I’ll give you twenty years.”
But the human said, “Only twenty years? Could you possibly give me my twenty, the forty the cow gave back, the ten the monkey gave back, and the ten the dog gave back; that makes eighty, okay?”
“Okay,” said God, “You asked for it.”
So that is why for our first twenty years, we eat, sleep, play and enjoy ourselves. For the next forty years, we slave in the sun to support our family. For the next ten years, we do monkey tricks to entertain the grandchildren. And for the last ten years, we sit on the front porch and bark at everyone.
Life has now been explained to you.
There is no need to thank me for this valuable information. I’m doing it as a public service. If you are looking for me I will be on the front porch.

Our Internet Funnel System is taking the online community by storm as one of the hottest affiliates to launch a proven system. Ez Money Method has incorporated Empower Network, Gvo and MyPCBackUp creating program that can help you launch you like a rocket to a six figure income by following the simply 8 core commitments in the shortest possible time. FREE Training and Membership
Instant Access Ez Money Method

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Make Money And Keep Doing it With a List, Value, and Great Content

Learn this, and grow your MLM's

Learn how to excel and build in any network marketing program! Don't work hard and accomplish nothing or exhaust yourself just to make a little extra. Learn to work and build smart, and over time your income will grow. There is no get rich quick!

No business can be centered around an opportunity or a product. I know what you've been told. Bare with me. It must be built around you, your name, and your relationships. You are your own true asset and that cannot be taken away. Networking is a people business driven by marketing.

People are the commodity being traded, and you must position yourself in a manner that allows you to capitalize on that process through many different channels. (Tip: Build a list of every contact, whether they bought or bailed. They were interested in your business. You just didn't sell yourself.) Don't worry you'll get them later when you understand this.

Simply building a down line which can disappear at any time, build an empire that reaches out and touches many people as possible throughout the entire industry, including your "competition". When your building a down line you should start from a strong foundation. You can not teach what you don't know. You must know that people don't like to get sold. They like benefits and they like to feel your only about helping them, not yourself.

What you don't know

Here is what you don't know about those big earners that pulled you into the company. There are hundreds of full-time net workers that are making multiple six-figure incomes who are constantly pulling their hair out trying to keep status and filling gaps in the comp plan to keep their check, buying extra volume to qualify for the monthly bonus, etc... They are always a few distributors away from losing half their income. You have two choices... You can put both your hands into one company basket and just build a "down line", or...

You can realize that "people" are your business and put your hand in as many baskets as you want - ensuring you and your "real business" are safe and profitable no matter what happens. Your client then will attract you more customer and your down line will grow because their client are sending you more referrals. Its that simple.

Just Imagine

Just imagine your car is being detailed and it cost $50 more than you expected. You are upset because a good friend referred you to this establishment. However before the started they escorted you to a beautiful waiting area with snacks and a big screen television with cable. With the latest magazines to read in their comfortable clean chairs. After the experience of feeling like royalty you couldn't justify why they didn't deserve that money. In fact you told everybody you ran into about this wonderful place with this great service.

With the understanding that you sell yourself, you will have what it take to train a successful down line and if you will instill in them the same value in their clients, you can very well grow expeditiously in your MLM's.

For more free marketing tips please go to

Monday, November 12, 2012

Wisdom - The Key to Making Money and Keeping It

You have probably heard it said that anyone can make money, and I believe it is true. After all, just look at the young kid out there selling lemonade with their uniquely constructed lemonade sign and stand. So here is proof that with a little knowledge, and after applying oneself to a given task, that a child and even a bum can make money.

However, the problem is not always in MAKING money, be it small or large, the problem is that most people do not know how to KEEP it. This is evident through the statistics done on many lottery winners around the world over the past several years who are rich today, but eventually wind up broke, busted, and disgusted tomorrow. Yeah, I know that is an exaggeration on my part. Well if not tomorrow, usually within a few short years, because before they know it their millions soon transform into pennies, and their wealth gone. Therefore, I have found that it will take our operating in WISDOM and DISCIPLINE in order to keep money.

So who was the richest man who ever lived? The Bible says it was a man by the name of King Solomon. So how did he amass such a GREAT fortune? Was it simply because he was born into royalty and money? Yes and no. Yes, Solomon came from an affluent family, and likewise succeeded in inheriting the throne of his father, King David, and yes this definitely gave him a jump start toward financial success. However, Solomon was only just beginning. He was a novice. How would he govern a vast nation of people? Could he keep the family fortune that was now his and continue the regal financial legacy of his royal family? The answer, YES. We learn that this relatively young and inexperienced leader eventually far exceeded even the riches of his father and the nation by and large. How was this possible? Because, at his earliest beginning he sought after and asked only one thing from the Lord, and that was wisdom (i.e. not long life or riches). Yes, I said WISDOM! His desire was for godly wisdom and guidance to rule a nation, his family, and his finances and this is what has made his name renown up until this present day. For Solomon himself, penned these very words, "that wisdom is the principal or chief thing, so in your getting, get understanding" (Proverbs 4:7). So below you will find just a few tips that I believe will help you hold on to your money longer. After all, they are working for me!


1) Ask the Lord for wisdom every day in your decisions. "He will give it to you liberally" (Book of James 1:5).

2) Count or consider the costs before beginning or undertaking any type of endeavor or project (e.g. time, money, resources..).

3) Tithe and/or give generously to help your fellow man (e.g. charities, churches, organizations, community) "Give and it shall be given to you...." (Gospel of St. Luke 6:38).

4) Investments are great assets. So be sure to find a good one.

5) Save $100 or more when possible and place into a money market savings account on a regular basis so you can accrue a little interest. Besides even "the ant gathers its food in the harvest" (Proverbs 6:6-8). Now that is what I call insectual wisdom!

6) Do not max out your credit cards. Besides, having ownership of only ONE major credit card will ensure that you do not build up a long line of debt. Also, pay those bills early so that extra fees will not come into play. Remember, "the borrower is subject to the lender" (Proverbs 22:7). So be sure to watch your spending.

7) Use cash whenever possible. There are no interests, fees, nor debt pileup when using currency.

Here is one final word from the one of the wisest and richest men of his time, "Labor not to be rich: cease from your own wisdom. Will you set your eyes upon that which is not? For riches certainly make themselves wings; they fly away as an eagle toward heaven" (Proverbs 23:4-5). See there is a far greater and wiser investment to consider and to invest in, and that is the riches of ETERNITY. For more wisdom just go ahead and read the entire BOOK.

That's all for now folks!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

How to Make Money and Profit by Having Your Own Blog

There are a few ways for you to make money and profit by having your own blog and I will cover a few of them here.

Before we get started though, there are some things you will need to get set up in order for your blog to be successful.

First, you will need to decide where you want to have your blog. You can either create your own, which will take some knowledge and expertise. Or, you can set up a blog on a third party site such as Now there are other sites where you can set up your blog and if you just do a quick search on your favorite search engine, you will find several other options.

Second, you should choose a name for your blog that is keyword rich. Keyword rich simply means that your name consists of the same words of your product or program that you are going to promote.

Example; if you are promoting a product about how to care for goldfish, then you might consider calling your blog, "The Goldfish Care Program" or something of the like. Also, make sure that this is not just your blog title but also your blog subdomain name.

Third, you will either need to create your own product to market, in that case you will need an account with a payment processor like PayPal or Alertpay. The other option is to market affiliate products. That is where you sell a product that someone else has created and in return you receive a commission. This is the way I would recommend only because you will same a lot of time and they have already produced most if not all of the marketing materials including the website that you will want to use.

So, now that you have chosen where you want to set up your blog, selected a product that you want to promote and picked out a keyword rich blog name, you are ready to get going.

Hopefully you selected a product to market that you know something about. If you did this will make writing posts to your blog very easy. If you didn't, you can find all the information you will need on the internet by simply doing a search. I would recommend typing something like this "yourkeyword" +articles. Make sure you type it just like that but replace the your keyword with your keywords for your product. This will produce several articles that have been written on your topic and should provide you with a lot of good information to get you going. Do not copy any article exactly unless you keep it in original form and give credit to the author.

Finally, write some posts on your blog with links to your affiliate product and then make sure that you ping your blog and also bookmark it. I will get more into pinging and bookmarking in another article. For now you should spend your time getting everything set up.

Learn about the secret and private money making club by going to: []

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

How to Make Money and Rank #1 With Blogs

So, I'm sure the secret is out that blogs are the best thing to use to make money on the internet these days. Blogs are easy to create, fun to use and can really help out your search engine rankings. Another plus about blogs is that whenever you want to make a change to your blog you only have to use a template and delete from there as apposed to going through the whole changing process with a regular website.

Today, I would like to share with you some of the ways that you can make money with blogs and how to rank them well in the search engines as well. Hopefully after you are done reading this article you will be able to set up a perfect blog to start making money with and have it ranked in the search engines in no time!

The first thing you want to do is find a good niche that you can make your blog about. The main purpose of having a blog is to give others information on things that you know about or learn about. Blogs should always be informative because this is what the business is about. When you choose a niche, start with one that has low competition that way you won't get frustrated with trying to get your blog to rank well in the search engines. Once you find the perfect formula on how to get your blog ranked then you can move onto a more popular niche.

Once you get your blog set up with content that is about your niche you are then ready to start bringing traffic towards it. It can really be frustrating trying to get so much traffic to your blog because you never know which way is going to work the best for you. The method that I use that works great is article marketing. You can get benefits from it in two different ways and that is with traffic and backlinks. You will need backlinks in order to rank high in the search engines. The more backlinks you have the higher the search engine ranking you will have.

The best way to use article marketing is by making a good author resource box. Don't write a story about your self or anything because people have short attention spans these days. Make sure that your links back to your blog are in your author resource box with anchor texts. Make sure that you use the main keyword you are trying to rank well for in the anchor text.

Its best to constantly keep your blog updated and ping it as it will get indexed very quickly. With the methods above, I am sure that you won't have a problem getting your blog ranked well in the search engines in less then a month.

For more information, you can check out: Blogging to the bank.

If you are wondering what Blogging to the bank is, it has said to be a 7 step blogging for profits blueprint.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Business - Make Money and Make Your Life Better

Money, money, money. It rules the world, it rules men and women. With it alone you get respect, sex-appeal, prestige and fancy things. But becoming rich is not given. Or is it?

A lot of people think rich people are condescending and snobs. That they are the kind of person to keep their success stories secrets so they get richer while others don't. This is absurd. Rich people all over the world are trowing their success stories in books, magazines, over the web.

But to become rich does not happen overnight only by reading a story and doing exactly what it says. It requires more. It requires courage, effort, dedication and business wise. And those are not attributes that all people who want to become rich possess. This is actually the difference between the ones that will make it and the ones who won't.

The Fear to fail. This is the biggest impediment for most people pursuing wealthiness as they will fear that the world will hear about their failure. Or they will simply have their heads filled up with negativity, thinking "If it doesn't work I won't see that money back!" or "I can risk that much money on a 30% rate success!". This kind of thinking is exactly the reason why it is so difficult for middle class individual to get rich. They do not risk because they prefer saving their money for retiring. They rather save little by little to built a considerable amount of money to support their retiring days and do not even consider the idea of investing money in something bigger, because they fear the risk of failing.

This is comprehensible. But sadly, people thinking so linearly are destine to be workers for the rest of their lives. But if you have clicked on my link then it possibly means that you are not in the same bag.

If you wish to make your life better and you have the attributes needed to be successful, then I suggest you try using the one of the easier way to make money. The Internet.

Make money using the power of the Internet directly from the comfort of your home, and enjoy life as it should be. Learn the best method to make it through with Legit Online Jobs!

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Friday, November 2, 2012

How to Blog, Make Money, and Be Rich

If you are a first time blogger, well then this article is just for you. We will make life simple for you if you are particularly interested about putting up your own website. First of all, you just need to find the perfect blog host for you. Each one of these available hosts is made in order to suit each type of people's preference and style. If you have decided on which host would you like to be affiliated with, now you are ready to blog about anything that interests you. It usually takes some time before your blog could gain popularity in the World Wide Web, so be patient.

Now, if you have already set up your blog, make money online is the next thing that you would be concerned of. How do you actually earn income by blogging? It's really easy if you just want to earn some cash for your savings in addition to your full time salary. The first and most important thing to do is to put up advertisements in your blog site. You could find programs and applications that would help you so that you could have automatic advertisement streaming in your web site. They could be of two different types: pay per click or pay per impression. Whichever of these two you choose, the important thing that you should do is to keep your website traffic coming.

Finally, if you want to be rich by just utilizing your blog, make money only by other means. The advertisements could definitely pay out well if you give time to blogging and do some tech tweaking. However, you could also do some private advertising of particular products or services. You could either sell a space in your website, or blog a review about their products or services. In return for this, the company would give you a commission for their sales. If you are already a professional blogger, you could try asking for donations to keep your site running. You could really earn a lot by doing these; you could even stop from working full time in the office and concentrate with making this work. All you need is discipline and passion for writing, and you are good to go.

Tim Yu is a Internet Marketer who owns - He has helped hundreds of people on Starting Up an Internet Business.

He has recently developed a Free 7-Days Profitable e-course showing you a step by step process for starting your Internet Business . To learn how to start Making Money Fast without wasting your time and losing more money, visit

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Making Money and Increasing Business Profits

Making money requires using the KISS rule. That is, Keep It Simple, Stupid! If you are interesting in making a lot of money through your business, you need to keep things very straightforward.

First of all, be honest with yourself and make sure you analyze all your numbers. You need to make sure you know your profit or loss margin. It's important to analyze an annual profit margin, a monthly profit margin, a weekly profit margin, and a daily profit margin. Also, take note of how many transactions or customers that you handle on annual, monthly, weekly, and daily basis.

Next, calculate your operating expenses or fixed costs. You need to also know exactly how much money you need to acquire in order to break even. It's a good idea to calculate the average price of your products.

Once you've written out all of these numbers, then you need to do some thinking. Is there any way you can reduce the amount of money you need to break even? Better yet, is there any way you can raise the average price of your products. If the answer to either question is yes, then you need to implement a plan to achieve your results.

The more you sell, the more your business will benefit. Very few people know that most businesses derive 80% of their sales from 20% of their customers. This means that it's a smart idea to build a marketing campaign that targets your loyal 20%. This way, you can spend money more wisely. You don't need to waste your money trying to convince uninterested people to buy your product.

Make sure you identify your most prolific customers, and figure out how they differ from the average customer. Brainstorm and come up with ideas on how to increase sales to these customers. These customers are sure to have a strong demand, so you need to study them and figure out how to meet this demand. Finally, you can convert people into being more prolific or lucrative customers. It's a great idea to come up with a plan that will turn more customers into big time customers.

Trim the fat. This means you need to ruthlessly cut out any extraneous expenses. If you feel like you can do without something, then you probably can. Cut these expenses so that you can reduce the amount of money you are spending. This is a great way to increase your profit margin.

Also, it's a great idea to build a system that processes payments quickly. This way you can constantly enjoy regular cash flow coming into your business. If you can also come to an agreement with your suppliers wherein you can pay them in monthly increments, then you're also increasing your cash flow.

Build a strong marketing campaign. Marketing beats advertising when it comes to reaching customers. This means you need to invent and build a comprehensive marketing strategy. There are many great ways to do this. Always make sure to continue to develop your business. Stay on top of your game. It's important to keep improving your products and services. is Ireland's leading resource for making money online. For cutting edge and above all profitable Internet Marketing strategies, go to, and receive your FREE copy of The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace Wattles, the little known wealth classic that launched the Multi Million Phenomenon - The Secret.

Thanks for reading,
Gary McGeown

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Helping Kids Make Money and Save For Their First Expense

What should you do when your child asks you for something very expensive? Some parents if they have the money just buy it. Are you one of them? Other parents may look for ways for their kids to earn the money and help them save for it. Which is the better way? There may not be a better way, but let's talk about some simple ways we can help those kids save for that first expensive item.

Saving is a lost art in our society because everything around us feeds into our need to have things faster and immediately. How do you react when your webpage takes 15 seconds to load instead of the usual 10? We have microwave dinners, high speed internet, we've increased the speed limit in some areas all because we have this need for things right now. No one wants to wait. Because no one wants to wait it even affects how we buy things. People are spending tomorrow's money today to get what they want now (by the way, that is what you do every time you use your credit card). We have found ways for our kids to earn money in the front door and we are letting it out the back door. How do we escape this trap and help our kids save for the things they want and not give into this culture? Here are three ideas:

1 - Teach them the value of money - There is an old expression which says a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. Kids need to understand that what you as the parents I have earned today is mine, but there is no guarantee that I will continue to earn tomorrow. So don't mortgage tomorrow's money just for instant gratification today.

2 - Create a saving plan with a goal - Let's say your child is saving for a $500 bike and they earn $50 per week. Obviously if they saved everything they made for 10 weeks they could get the bike. Some kids may not want to or be able to save everything they make so create a plan that allows for some fun spending without forgetting the goal. Here is a simple way to do it. Allow them to spend 20% of what they make on whatever they want and let them save the rest. This allows them to satisfy that need for instant gratification but still lets them save towards their goal.

3 - Keep the money out of reach - Remember when your child was young and you didn't want them to get into the cookie jar. What did you do? You put it up high out of their reach. Now they could possibly climb up there and get the cookies but they had to consider is it worth the effort. Put your child's money in a place that is out of reach. A great place may be in a CD that lasts about the same time as they would need to save for the item they want to purchase. They could actually take the money out early but there is a penalty for doing it. This forces them to ask the question do I really want that cookie?

Parents, saving is a lost art but it doesn't have to be. Your child can learn to put money away to buy the things they want. So when your child asks for that next expensive item it is your duty to help them. Help them look at ways for kids to earn the money they need. Teach them the value of that money and finally help them save towards their goal. Not only will your child have a sense of accomplishment but you will to.

Nicole Clemow is an international author and speaker and together with her business partner Helene Kempe, they have written a ground breaking new book "Teach Your Kids the Value of Money". Check it out here at to get your free chapter on "Business Kids" and other bonuses.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Make Money and Build Passive Income With Writing

I remember struggling at school with my English classes. I did 'O' Level and 'A' level English before spending a year studying classic English literature. I struggled because I couldn't always see the point of all the detail and grammar classes. It seemed a bit obvious to me. Why am I telling you all this? 30 years later I make money online writing on my websites. I also write for other internet marketers and website owners. NOW I see the point of all those English lessons. I also appreciate that a well turned phrase can make people continue to read. Poor and unimaginative writing will never capture the interest of people reading.

How I make money and build passive income with writing.

On the internet your writing has to be able to attract a website visitor in the first few seconds. Assuming you can do this then you can use your writing to create webpages that keep visitors on the page and reading your information. Your written information will lead the website visitor to take the action that you want. This could be making a purchase from the page, Clicking on an affiliate link or just leaving your website through an AdSense click. The point about all your written material on the internet is that once you have written it and put it out there it will continue to work for you.

Huge Content Brings Huge Passive Income

The upshot of this is that the more content you put on your websites the more traffic you will have. Your content will always be working for you and as you increase the amount of information and content you have written the more passive your income. On the days and weeks you do nothing and add nothing to your content you will still have a good passive income generating for you.

To learn how to write your way into a passive income visit the home business choice website.

You can find the easy home based business opportunities by visiting There are clear reviews of my top 3 recommendations for you to change your financial world in 2009.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Kids Making Money and The Importance of Associating Themselves With Positive, Successful People

There are many differences between the wealthy and the not-so rich. There has to be considering the two groups live on different sides of the financial divide. Members of one group work their whole lives away trying to get off the rat race while the other works really hard to remain as wealthy. Rich people will want to associate themselves with other positive and successful people for obvious reasons; the company you keep-in more than one way-defines you. Kids making money must therefore seek to emulate such habits.

As the old adage goes; birds of the same feather flock together. The wealthy think differently, act and approach matters differently. They even view things on a different scale compared to the poor. If you are to become successful, you have to associate with the successful. The opposite holds true; if you lie with dogs you surely will rise with fleas. As one among kids making money, you should endeavor to keep company that will fuel your dreams, goals even, rather than one that will put out your entrepreneurial spirit.

You might not be as wealthy now but odds are if you are making money as a kid, you will be filthy rich in the future. So how do the wealthy people associate themselves with other successful people? Your company at the moment might include friends from school or neighbors, who might not be wealthy as well. Start by identifying the few role models around you and make sure you appearing wherever they. If there is a financial seminar going down somewhere, it will surely pay off to make an appearance. Get to know more successful people and observe how they carry themselves. After all, no one is going to turn away an ambitious kid.

Wealthy people view other wealthy people as motivation. While poor people hate on rich people, wealthy people derive their driving force from other rich people. They believe if the other wealthy people can do it, they too can do it.

Rich people are grateful others made it before them. To them, those who made it before them set up a blueprint for financial success. They use the blueprint to attain their success easily and at a faster pace. Poor people on the other hand are at this moment seething with hatred rather than keeping their eyes open for opportunities.

Wealthy people associate with other wealthy people to learn how the game is played. Chances are that you will make it if you do the same exact things and have the same exact mindset as those who made it before you. As one among kids making money, there is a lot to be gained by associating yourself with the wealthy.

Looking for more ways to teach your kids about money? Visit and claim your FREE copy of moneySMART$ emagazine written by Nicole Clemow and the team at Money Toolkits. Nicole is an international author and speaker on the subject of teaching kids about money and how to make it.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

3 Critical Factors to Help You Make Money and Succeed With Your Internet Marketing Home Business!

Starting your internet marketing home business to make money is a very noble thing to do, but it can sometimes be very frustrating. You keep looking out for "the next big thing", only to find out that you're not really making much of a headway with it.

Now let me be very honest with you here, to achieve success from your home business you will have to learn many things. The internet is growing at an alarming rate, and it sometimes seem impossible to keep up with all the new developments cropping up, but the main thing here is to learn the basics and stay focus.

Here are 3 very important points to consider that can help you to accelerate your success:

Success Factor #1 - There Are NO Secrets - Action Makes It Possible!

First, you need to understand that in this hyped-up online marketplace there are really not that many 'secrets'. Things are only secretive to you when you DON'T know about them yet, or you know about them but you have NOT applied what you know.

One of the most devastating injustice you can do to your internet marketing home business, is to learn new concepts or strategies of how to make more money and DON'T apply them. You keep wondering why some people are having success while you are not? ACTION makes the difference! Daily consistent action!

Action is the single most important factor in all areas of our lives. This is especially true in our ability to make money with our internet marketing home business.

Why should you continue buying tons of ebooks, softwares and other things to further your knowledge when you have no intention of using them? In many cases you already have everything you need to become successful, all you need to do is put some "fire in your step" and take action. Do something!

Success Factor #2 - It's All About The Marketing - Your Success Will Depend On Your Marketing Skills!

Making money on the internet with your home business is all about marketing. It doesn't matter which market you're in, what products you're selling or who you're selling to. If you FAIL to market your products or services, no one will know or want to buy from you, even if you have the best products in the world.

Making money on the internet all comes down to how well you can market your products. This will decide whether you lose money or make yourself a huge fortune with your internet marketing home business.

It doesn't matter if you have the best products, the biggest lists or getting the most traffic to your website. You will still fail at making money if you don't know the basics of good "old fashion" marketing. You will still struggle if you can't connect with your market... and you will still waste your efforts if you don't push the hot buttons that will make people BUY your products.

On a daily basis you MUST strive to learn and apply the principles of marketing to your business. This is the only way to succeed.

There are various ways to get your marketing education like:

. Your local bookstore and library...

. Free resources like articles, ezines and newsletters available online...

. Actual online and offline marketing examples...

. Selected quality training courses, seminars and webinars...

. Learn from the leaders who have proven themselves worthy....

This is how everybody starts out, the people who are more aggressive at this will become successful.

Success Factor #3 - Find A Leader And Follow Him/Her!

One of the fastest way to learn anything is to "follow the leader". Watch what other successful marketers are doing and learn from them. You don't have to reinvent the wheel, learn and apply the skills and techniques that work.

Understanding the success factors mentioned above can go a long way in helping you make more money from your internet marketing home business. Just remember that "knowledge is power only when you apply it".

Godfrey Thaxter is a marketing consultant who writes informative articles, providing tips and strategies for Home Business Success with your internet marketing home business. Click Here For Instant Access To Your 30 Days To Success Action Plan!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

AdSense Google Ads - Still a Powerful Way to Make Money and Here is How to Do It

AdSense Google Ads are still the easiest way to make money if done correctly. Placing the most ads without proper planning will not yield results and unfortunately most people expect quick results without doing their homework. There are certain factors that have to be considered before expecting the money coming in.

First off I will say setting up a blog would be the easiest way to get started for anyone who has no presence on the web. and WordPress are the two biggest blog platforms and it only takes a few minutes to get a blog up and running. The more specific the content the more relevant the AdSense Google Ads will be and the more targeted your readers will be.

There are certain things to look for when placing AdSense ads on your website or blog. There is the option to set up ads with text messages or images or a combination of both. In my experience text messages are the most profitable when it comes to sites with mostly written content. Image ads would give you results it the site is mostly video or image based, or if it is about product reviews.

Strategically placing AdSense ads on the website or blog is very important. There are certain places within the site that readers tend to click the most. The most important place would be on top of the content with a 468 x 60 banner, in my experience and after testing with and without the banner. I definitely received better results after placing the banner. Another banner that has been proven to get results is the 300 x 250 medium rectangle placed on the left side of the website or blog. The last mentioned banners are the most important ads I work with, sometimes I can place a 120 x 600 skyscraper but not all the time.

One more important factor to consider is to ensure your AdSense Google Ads blend in within your content. Border, title, background, text, url colors need to be picked in a way that they do not stand out too much within your site and that way readers will click on your ads naturally.

Do not forget to promote your website or blog. If you have no readers then you will have no clicks, very simple. You may use SEO (Search Engine Optimization) which involves link building to rank well in the search engines or other methods such as submitting your site to social bookmarkings. Either way you must promote your site to build your readership base.

AdSense Google Ads are still a very powerful way to make money. Apply the tips I have given you plus any other advise you may find. The key is to keep testing and researching to make sure the best results are the outcome at the end of the day. Keep being consistent and do not give up.

Google AdSense a legitimate way for extra income, find out how you can get started Extra Income with AdSense []

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Making Money and Building Wealth - How I Discovered It's Based on Information, Not Your Education?

If someone gave you the winning lottery numbers a day in advance of the announcing of these numbers would you invest the money necessary to obtain a lottery ticket? Of course you would! And the reason is obvious. You possess money making information as it pertains the lottery. It doesn't matter what level of education of you have -- high school drop-out or you're someone with a PhD -- if you apply this wealth building information toward tomorrow's lotto numbers announcing the lottery's jackpot will come your way.

The great thing for you is unless someone else has the exact same information you possess they're out of luck. It doesn't matter if they're buying a lotto ticket like you, going to the same store as you to purchase the ticket, or even buying the lotto ticket at the same time as you unless they have the same money making information (which is in this case the winning lotto numbers) they lose.

The same is true for people making money everywhere who are building wealth in their particular field of interest. They're taking profitable information and applying it to their business (whatever it is) and making money with it.

I discovered this some years ago when I had a burning desire to start making money and I mean serious money. Working only part-time and making about $12,000 a year wasn't the kind of income I was satisfied with. I wanted and needed more.

More education and maybe going to college was my first thought but spending money for 4 years to learn about subjects I could careless about just so I could learn a major subject I had interest in seemed insane. With only a 12,000 a year income college quickly became a bad idea in my mind.

It was around this time that a friend of mine invited me to CNBC stock market meeting and I took him up on his offer. That meeting changed how I viewed everything at it pertains to making money.

Everyday people are making money in the stock market simply because of what they know about particular industries and it's trends. Investors continually fill their heads with wealth building information day in and day out to keep making money in the financial markets.

That's when I realized I didn't have to be the smartest or the most educated person to start making money in any field of my choice. I simply needed profitable information that related to my field of interest.

For example:

Many people put up a website to try and make money online only to fail miserably because no one visits the site and if they do no one buys what the website owner is selling. But one of the major rules for making money online is providing value to your visitor and having that visitor find you.

The way you do both is to know what your customer or target market problem is and does the product your selling solve it. Secondly place keywords or keyword phrases you believe your target market will place into search engines to get information on what solutions or help is out-there in the world that can help them with this particular problem (your product solves) and sprinkle those throughout the your website page that contains the information or content on the related problem solving product.

Internet marketers do this all the time and make tons of money doing so. If you're trying to build wealth using the Internet as the vehicle and you don't know Internet money making information you're finished on the web. And guess what? It doesn't matter if you have a Masters degree or you never finished school the one who has wealth building information is the one who wins. Bottom line.

By Michael Henderson

Michael Henderson teaches others how to secure better financial health by simply by having profitable information at the right time in the fields of The Financial markets [], The Real Estate markets, and Marketing Michael plans on continuing helping people begin making money and building wealth. For more information on Michael's latest best selling product click here []

Friday, October 12, 2012

Discover These Three Secrets For Making Money and Living in Abundance of Wealth

At some point, I have come to wonder how all those rich people became richer and the not so rich seem stuck on that level without any options to improve their life. I know it seems that way, but it is in fact nothing like that at all. Anyone can take control of their own life and financial positions, and actually do something to change that. It is not that hard to shift from being a struggling household into wealthy family, as long as you know the secret ingredients. I came to discover these three secrets for making money and living abundance of wealth, and I am going to share it with you.

The first keyword is "save". You might feel you are not making enough money and are struggling to pay those bills. It might be true in some cases, but in most cases I have seen, it is simply a matter of not being able to manage your income and outcome flow. You are spending more than you can afford, and you are not doing anything about it. Try looking into your financial statements, or make one if you don't already have yours, and see what you can reduce and save. Before you know it, you will be saving enough money to move on to the next keyword.

After "save", we have "invest". Now that you have some money on your savings account, you can go out and seek moneymaking opportunities to invest on. There are several opportunities available, offline and online businesses capable of making more money for you, and all you have to do is find one best suited your circumstances. Take good care of your investments and invest proper amount of efforts into them. You are now officially a business owner. Don't quit your day job, not yet at least, because you need to move on to the third step.

"Manage" will be the key to our pursue of living in abundance of wealth. You have been saving and investing money, and you would want that investments to last and make you more money in the future, right? You will have to manage your business as well as your personal finance correctly. By doing so, you will be able to save more money out of your business and keep it going at the same time.

It is a cycle; ongoing processes that will make you rich before you even know it. You will be able to save more, invest more, and manage more, before ended up being able to save even more, and so on. Now you know how rich people get richer easily, and you can use their secrets to your advantage.

STOP losing your time and energy with systems that don't work. It's time for you to try something that actually works. Click Here Now to learn how to make $4500+ per month.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Stop Trying to Make Money and Build a Business - The Seven Keys

Everybody wants to make money however to make significant money and to make a significant difference is to build a business. Technically money isn't made it is earned. Therefore you need a vehicle or a platform to earn money. A business is the best way to earn money. If you are able to provide a product or service that fulfills a need you will earn money and a business is the best way to make it happen.

The amount of money you earn will be dependent upon how well you do business. Businesses account for ninety-seven percent of the total money generated and twenty-eight percent of total spending in the United States. It is estimated that by the year 2011 ninety-five percent of businesses will be classified as small. This is provides a tremendous opportunity for those who desire to earn more money.

Earning money is really about independence many people get focus on making money and fail to realize that they are basically giving up their independence with this mindset. The key to financial independence is building a profitable business. It is a sad commentary that a high percentage of businesses fail in years one through five. This may be a surprise but businesses don't fail the owner of the business fails. The main reason this occurs is two fold. First, the business owner is trying to make money and second the owner fails to take the time to build a profitable business.

The effort we are expending to make money should be re-channeled into building a business that earns money. Most people get into a business because of the potential money that can be made in a particular industry or market. The decision to build a business is based on how you can serve a segment of the market better or providing better quality product in an attempt to actually earn money.In building a business we must find opportunities through offering value. We can not be trapped by trying to extract from but we must be liberated by giving to. By giving we receive. It is more blessed to give than to receive. This work in building a business that earns.

Any business can generate money but all business do not earn money. The key is to make changes and improvements that put the company in a position to succeed. The level at which your business earns money is consistent with the quality and quantity of the value provided to the market.

Don't be focused on making money be concerned with business building. The concept of making anything is based on limits but building is not about limits. As we build we are positioned to earn. There are no limits when we earn money because money is not controlled by the market but by the consumer. The consumer determines the value and what they are willing to give and invest into the business.

It requires vision to see beyond 12 months and it requires vision to see beyond money. It takes vision to build and earn. It only requires a wish to believe we can make money by doing certain things. Our vision will help us avoid the temptations of pie in the sky, free lunch, overnight riches and something for money mentality. Business is not built on wishes, it is built on vision. In order to stop focusing on making money and begin building a business follow these keys to begin the process.

Key 1. Enthusiasm means the spirit within us.

Avoiding the spirit of greed and cultivating the spirit of service is essential. We must understand our enthusiasm can be motivated from the wrong sources. Be enthusiastic about building a profitable business that serves and earns money.

Key 2. Eliminate the fear of loss and rejection.

These two concepts cause many to fail before they get started. Unfortunately people focused on making money are controlled by these fears and the ability to earn is destroyed.

Key 3. Strive for professional excellence.

The degree of Mediocrity and failure is no plan. However it is a part of the success process so keep going and do the right thing.

Key 4. Market to build relationships.

It is not about trying to squeeze a dollar out of every person you come in contact. It is about building trust and meeting needs of the market. This will build something greater than a sale it will build a relationship.

Key 5. Personal Accountability.

Set some individual standards and work consistently to meet them. Start over when you fall short, reward yourself when you meet them and set the bar a little higher.

Key 6. Establish Integrity.

Be honest. Stand by your word. Deliver what you promise and exceed expectations.

Key 7. Avoid hype, deception and poor service.

This is nothing more than manipulation and stealing. This is causing the law of reciprocity to work negatively against you.

Harold is a passionate and skilled multipreneur. If you you have questions about building multiple streams of income through the combination of several interrelated businesses find out how here:

Harold is developing some powerful eCourses, reports, eBooks, and training resources check it out at httpp://

Sunday, October 7, 2012

How to Find the Right Business For You to Make Money and Build Business Online

You don't have to be an internet genius to make money online. With the systems and software that are currently in place anyone can make money online. No matter what your marketing business is there are simple business principles that can be used daily to greatly increase your profit and success rate.

First, pick your passion. Find the internet opportunity that motivates you the most. Next, analyze the compensation plan and decide what the most important activity is for you. Set specific goals that you hope to accomplish with the new business. Mark specific times and dates that you will build your business; these are times that you will be unavailable for other activities. Then contact your mentor and establish a plan of attack, which will be broken down into realistic daily goals. Do not diverge from your plan, be consistent. Keep track of your results this will prevent you from working aimlessly. Measure, monitor, adjust and control your progress. After all the only activity that pays is productive activity. Be sure to reward your success and keep introducing new activities that can bring your business to the next level.

It is very important to get started fast so you can make money right away. Lean on your support system. If you have questions, call your mentor or someone else in the organization. Take time to learn the trainings of business. Take one program master it, then move onto another project to create more tools, to help you market and make money.

Finally, have fun and don't move on to the next activity until you have mastered the previous one.

Peter A. Gruenke - Top Internet Marketer & Author - I would encourage you to go to []

-God Bless you & your family-

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Scentsy Review - How to Make Money and Keep it Coming

If your looking to make money in Scentsy it would be wise to be clear on a few things to start with. There's nothing wrong with these points, but it's good to examine them. First I will put a few things down and then talk about them one at a time.

1. Scentsy distributes it's products by way of direct sales.

2. To make a substantial income,a large volume of products must be sold.

3. Scentsy requires the money for products to be paid up front.

4. It is the amount of sales a person makes that qualifies them for bonuses.

5. Their marketing structure is centered around the "Party Plan."

Direct sales simply means the way in which the company's products are moved. The products go straight from the manufacturer to the distribution point. That's You and your customer!

Scentsy has waxes and warmers that don't cost a lot, but then neither are McDonald's burgers. When McDonalds sells a lot of burgers, they make a lot of money. Making money in Scentsy will require a lot of inventory to be sold. I mention this only to let you know that you'll be busy if your making good money.

There are a few mlm companies that do not require payment for product at the time of the order. Avon is the predominate one that comes to mind as I write this. But like most mlm companies, the money for the order is paid when you place the order.

A bonus is a bonus is a bonus. Bonuses are paid because a person is rewarded for reaching certain sales goals.

When examining the way a pay plan is put together it is easy to think of a bonus as if it were not something to necessarily qualify for. This is a solid business practice and is good for company and the consultant because each need goals to move forward. In sales having an attainable goal before you and you take up the challenge to reach it? There just comes a sense of excitement that helps keep our focus.

Holding Scentsy Parties is the way the bulk of Scentsy's products are moved. Let me run some numbers by you so you know what to expect.

When you start your commission level is twenty percent until you reach a thousand dollars in sales then it goes to 25%.

One warmer...$30 12 wax cubes...$50 = $80 commission would be $16.

To make $500 it would take a little over 31 sales.

In order to hit $1000 then it doubles to more than 60 sales.

It's important for you to realize that it is hard work and good planing that pays in the end. Scentsy is also a company that will permit you to have a presence on the internet to increase your sales volume. They don't allow you to make sales on auction sites like eBay but letting people make purchases from your website is O.K. the way I see it.

If you plan on using the Internet it would be to your advantageto generate leads online as well. The Internet has propelled many an mlm'er well past those who market strictly off line. By becoming a leader online it is possible to bring in moneyfrom those who are looking but do not what an mlm business, but are really desiring to begin marketing through the Internet.

This way you get the best of both worlds.

If you would like check out more reviews like this Scentsy Review. Then check out our sight at and don't forget to grab your free Online Lead Generation [] Blueprint.

Monday, October 1, 2012

An Article About Success, Making Money and Saving

What do people really want to read when it comes to "how to articles" well, they want to know how to make money, save the money they have and how to become successful. Perhaps, it comes as no surprise then that there are millions of websites telling you how to make 10's of millions of dollars doing this, that or the other thing. But if you really want to know the secret to success, it's not really a secret, seriously if you want to know, I'll tell you right now.

1.) You have to work smart
2.) You must work hard
3.) You need to make friends
4.) You can never give up

Well, there it is, so you may as well save all your money on books, websites and promises that want to sell you the secret way to success. So there you have it, I have told you how to be successful and how to save your money on the myriad of gimmicks and promises of how to make 10s of millions of dollars.

Next, the third issue of the equation is making money. Well, that's not too difficult, all you have to do is pick something to be successful at and choose making money as the end goal of your endeavors. Now then, if you do not care about the money, then you will never have any.

So, take that philosophical truth to your memory bank. You can be successful at anything you choose, make money and keep the money you make, will it earns interest in your bank.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Blog Content Service If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance;

Saturday, September 29, 2012

How to Be an Affiliate, Make Money and Build Your MLM

To be an affiliate, make money and grow your network marketing business is a relatively new concept for most multilevel marketers. This is mainly due to the fact that we have all been taught to push our respective companies and nothing else.

It is a bad business practice to have all your eggs in one basket and it is even worse when that one basket is controlled by an outside party. Just think about it, didn't you get into a home based business to get away from the rat race because of no security.

Well you jumped out of one corporate controlled environment into another. Well ok, so maybe there is more security in your network marketing business than the corporate job, but I don't think so. MLM's go bankrupt each year and most people that join a networking business never really make anything.

Here is an example of how secure a networking business is. A friend of mine was doing really well in his network marketing business; in fact he was doing so well that he thought it would be OK to stop building his business for a while. Well it didn't take more than 6 months and his residual checks where cut in half.

If you ask me that isn't security, to me security means that if something happens to me my business will continue to grow and my family will be taken care of.

Some might say that's a pipe dream and not possible in network marketing because you have to continually train and motivate your down line. I have news for you; it is possible if you bring affiliate marketing into the mix. Now, I'm not talking just any affiliate sales, the products that you sell have to educate and build your down line for you.

It is how you become an affiliate, make money and build your MLM all at the same time.

So how does it work?

It is a rather simple process that involves selling an upfront affiliate product for $10 to $15 that will be of value and start to teach them. Some people say you can go as high as $60, but I like to keep it low.

By using a low front end product you can open the door to people that are serious about building a home business and it gives you the opportunity to start offering them more free education on how to build their business. This not only builds trust, but allows for bigger sales as they learn and opens the door to your MLM opportunity.

It isn't a tough job to get someone to spend $10. It is however a lot more difficult to get them to spend $500 to $1000 with someone they have never met before.

Not all of the people that purchase your affiliate product will join your down line, but some will, at any rate it doesn't matter because you make money on all the people that come through your sales funnel. The best part about this is you can have this setup generating you leads and making you money while you sleep, go on vacation or whatever you want to do.

To learn how you can get free education on building your MLM and build your own internet lead generation [] cash machine head over to my training site for more information.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Make Money and Massive Profits Online - 7 Step Proven Plan

So you want to make money on the Internet? You want to quit your job and work from home...establish a home based online business and become wealthy and prosperous! You want a risk-free proven income opportunity or system that is legitimate and highly profitable and of course in a top rated industry, hot market niche or high demand product category!

Let's don't want to work more than a few hours a week in your online business and it would be great if the online business ran itself when you weren't around, which you hope will be most of the time! After all, a work from home "entrepreneur" has to be able to travel and expand one's horizons! You know...places to go...people to see...things to do! Important Stuff!

To top it all off, it would be great if you could learn everything that there is to know about building and running a profitable home based online business and you could have all the tools that you need to set up, market and manage your online business ...RIGHT FREAKIN' NOW!

Well guess what Bubba...I CAN'T HELP YOU!

Look, I want you to know that you CAN make money online! I assume that is what you want or else why would you be clicking on all those opportunity ads and email spam ads? Why else would you be buying every new marketing program that sounds like the newest and greatest sure-fire money maker? Did you notice that there is so dog gone much HYPE floating around the net that it is hard to sort through it all. I Know!! I've spent a lot of time and money in the trenches myself and I've got the physical, emotional and wallet scars to prove it! Learning how to effectively build, market, manage and continually grow an online money making machine is one of the most demanding things I have ever done...but if you think that as long as you keep clicking on every good-sounding idea that comes along, an online business opportunity is just going to materialize one day and reveal itself to you in a dream as the next, sure-fire, best thing since sliced bread...

You Are Already ...DREAMING!

Sure...opportunity knocks all the time and there are many ways to make money...some good...some not so good, but you have to take action and...YOU HAVE TO SPEND MONEY! Not a lot, mind you, but enough to get yourself in front of a market. I'm trying to be as diplomatic as possible here, guys! The bottom line is this...if you have a fear of investing in yourself and/or your prospective online business then you better keep working for "the man" and hope that you hit the lottery...cuz that's the only way that you will get out of the rat race! Look...I don't mean to be harsh or judgmental, but in the process of stepping out of your comfort zone or coping with your fear of failure (whichever one has been holding you back) you WILL learn and grow a lot! And...if you follow through and actually take some action, you might even start making money online? Who'd a thunk! GO FIGURE!

Probably the best way to get started making money online is as an affiliate for someone else! What do I mean? Well, there are many successful people who have gone before you and created many types of products such as ebooks, how-to courses, product marketing sites, software marketing systems and on and on...! Lots of stuff!! They will allow you to sell their stuff and they will pay you rather handsomely in most cases. OK, here we go! In order to get going as an affiliate, there are 7 things, that if you do faithfully, will prosper you greatly.

1. You need to set up a payment account with a site called It will be an affiliate account and once set up, it will allow your sales to be tracked and your money to be sent to you.

2. You need to set up your own domain name and use it to point or forward to your affiliate sales page.

3. You need to promote your new domain name to anyone and everyone publicly. There are many ways to do this and I will get into more detail later.

4. You need to promote yourself amongst your friends and family. Start talking about your new excited and send everyone to visit.

5. You need to promote with articles and more articles. These can be posted in many venues such as this one, or in the many blogging communities that are all over the web. You will learn more about this in the step by step video tutorials.

6. You need to promote using classified ads in newspapers, yellow pages. church directories, bulletin boards, online ad sites and many, many more.

7. You need to promote with online groups of different interests and backgrounds. There are many such online communities and when you start to plug in to a few you will see success.


The key to the 7 steps here is to find someone who will support you as you get started and provide you with the "detailed" roadmap that I guarantee you will need early on! Many of the Publishers (creators of products) on the net are only interested in selling you their product and are not too concerned about helping you make money. If you can hook up with someone who will teach you how to duplicate their success step by step, you will greatly minimize the potential for failure. Affiliate marketing is not only a great way to get can also allow you to market in a field you love and are familiar with. As I said earlier, there are all kinds of products out there in all kinds of fields. Learn the ropes and then work in an area of marketing that really interests you. You will do much better!

I'm sure you've heard about bein' "Cuckoo for Coco Puffs"...right? Well I'm "FREAKY bout' Frogskins" and financial freedom and what that brings.. and I enjoy working with other wealth freaks just like me! When you get used to having large sums of money go into your bank account on a regular basis it changes the way you think about stuff and it certainly allows you to do a lot of really great things. Over the course of the next few weeks, in addition to affiliate marketing, I'm going to be revealing some of the best ways to break into the online marketing game and, at the same time, I will attempt to steer you clear of some of the most common pitfalls and money sucking, brain draining activities. In short, making money is only a means to an end! You will also need to know how to make the money WORK for you once you have your basics covered! (food, shelter, bills etc...) That is a whole different educational process, but one that is necessary for long term wealth and success. It's not as hard as you might think! Worse case scenario is that you may get a few of your questions answered along the way and maybe even...LEARN SOMETHING! There's a concept!! As always, with internet marketing, there is no high pressure! NONE! You may leave the way you came or you may leave a little richer!! The choice is yours!

Did you find this article thought provoking, or helpful in any way? (Hauntingly familiar, perhaps?) If not....keep dreaming and wishing! If so, then you NEED to take a look at the free, step-by-step video tutorials here and get started on the road to SUCCESS!


Monday, September 24, 2012

How To Make Money And Gain Financial Freedom Through Part Time Employment

For most of us, financial freedom means having the freedom to work less but still enjoy the things in life that we love most. It means having the ability to take an extra day or two off every week, or only working mornings and leaving the rest of the day for other pursuits. But the question of how to make money when you are only engaged in part time employment tends to keep us anchored to our full time jobs instead of pursuing a more independent lifestyle. Fortunately, how to make money -- enough money to pay the bills and still have some left over -- may be easier to do in less time, (i.e. part time employment) than you might think.

The key is not about trying to find a better paying job with a really nice boss. The key is to maximize your pay by getting rid of your boss altogether. As the internet has grown, it has become easier and cheaper for individuals to market their skills directly to the people who are in need of them. While freelancing is normally associated with creative careers like writing or graphic arts, it has become more common place for people in physical labor jobs as well. In most cases, due to the lack of overhead associated with full time employees, certain kinds of part time employees, like contracted workers, can earn 30% (or more) above what they would have been paid as a full time employee, especially tradesmen and other manual laborers. In addition to the increase in pay, you will gain independence, flexibility, and, with enough dedication, financial freedom.

This is not an easy choice, but it can be a very rewarding choice for an enterprising individual. You must assess for yourself whether you are up for the challenge. In general, the drawbacks becoming your own boss are the flip sides of the advantages. For example, working for yourself is very freeing, but it also means that you are fully responsible for organizing how to make money from week to week. In many cases though, you will find that the benefits far outweigh the potential costs.

Once you decide to go for it, you will need to make an honest assessment of your skills. As an independent worker, you have to be able to market yourself effectively without misrepresenting your abilities. If you need to improve your skills before setting off on your own, take the time to do so. Even if you have to take low or no pay to apprentice with a master carpenter or work with an expert mover, the experience gained will be well worth the loss of pay. You don't need to become an expert. You just need to gain confidence and a broad understanding of the profession.

The easiest place to find job opportunities are classified ads, whether online or in a local newspaper. On websites like Craig's List, you can even advertise your services for free. When bidding on a job, be sure to set the terms and the expectations up front. It will make you seem more professional and give the customer confidence that you are up to the task. Start out by bidding lower than your competitors. As you gain experience and references, you can bid more strategically.

When you win a job, be sure to remain in constant communication with the customer until the job is done, especially when the customer is dissatisfied in any way. Good communication skills can go a long way to resolve potential disputes with a customer. Additionally, you want to be able to use as many customers as possible as potential references for future work.

As you build your business, you may be surprised to find that you are working less time and making more money than you ever have before. That is when you will know first hand how to make money and gain financial freedom through part time employment.

Steve O'Connor is the founder of, a website dedicated to connecting independent workers with local job opportunities in the most secure, professional way possible. Visit for more information.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Genuine Ways to Make Money Online - Keeping Your Conscience Clean!

I know that there are lots of scams still circulating on the Internet, but let your instinct and your conscience decide if this is the path which you want to go down. If you want to genuinely make money online, then do the following.

1. Your own business 

Understand that you need to set up your own Internet business to make any decent amount of 'clean' money online. This is the way to keep your conscience clear as you are in total control of your online income.  

Don't leave it in the hands of someone else's opportunity you have signed up for. You shouldn't need to pay anyone to make money online anyway, you might make some money, but not as much as the money you are making for the owner of that opportunity. 

You only need to pay for a guide, some software and if you can an mentor or coach to teach you. 

2. Choose a business model and marketing strategy that suits you 

Now you have decided to start your own little internet business, you need to decide what business model you are going to adopt. It could be blogging or email marketing. It's up to you, but choose a one which you feel happy with and will enjoy doing on a daily basis. 

The same goes with marketing. Research into and choose 1-3 marketing strategies which you enjoy that will bring you bucket loads of visitors to your site every day. 

3. Find an online coach or mentor 

If you can, hire yourself an online coach or mentor. Or even just sign up to someone's newsletter to receive free information on the niche, business model and marketing strategies that you have adopted. 

It's amazing how much free information there is online to get you on your way. You must be willing to put a lot of time aside and be willing to learn, but it can be done on a very minimal budget. 

Do you want to learn more about building a successful internet business? Download my free 47 page book by clicking here: Successful Internet Business. Claire Bullerwell is a friendly, helpful online business coach. She has dozens of articles in print and has published 6 internet educational products.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Making Money and Giving Back

Is your goal in life when it comes to success to make lots of money? Do you want to have a big house and a big bank account? Many people also want to have name brand clothing, expensive jewelry, and be able to travel the world and take exotic vacations. No matter what you want to spend your money on once you earn it, making sure you enjoy it is something you want to do.

There is nothing wrong with wanting material items. You will need to go after them in the right manner with the right mindset. Trying to get money just to get money is a losing game. Even if you achieve financial success, you will have missed all the other great lessons you could have learned along the way.

Integrity goes along with everything in life. If you are a great salesman with the ability to sell a woman in a white dress and white gloves a bottle of ketchup so to say, this is a great skill. It is a great skill so long as it is used for good purposes. If you are selling a valuable product or service that helps people get their needs met, keep doing what you are doing. If you are selling something of value to your customer, but have miserable employees that work in unfavorable conditions, then you should reconsider. Everything needs to be a win-win situation that you choose to partake in life. Money is a great motivator in life, but there is much more than money. Ask yourself this question, if I had all the money in the world, what would I do? The answer cannot be to make more of it. Think about it for a while and come up with some good answers

You should combine your ambition with financial success with helping others to succeed. Many of the wealthiest people in the world find much more joy in helping other people succeed and get to the next level in life, and then they do making more money. Helping others to grow in life is worth far more than any dollar amount could ever measure. People who provide services will teach you much more in life than just the service they provide. For example, first grade teachers usually help students learn how to read properly. This is a skill that you can use throughout the rest of your life to do anything, including making money. The schoolteacher you had that taught you to read was probably not that concerned with making a lot of money. However, she was concerned with helping you learn how to read, which then gave you the ability to do whatever you chose with it. Just as the teacher helped you learn to do something, you should help others as well, especially if you have the money and free time to do so. Give twice as much back as you have received and you will surely feel wonderful about yourself in the world.

Darius has been writing online now for a while and has many different interests. You can check out his websites at Bifocal Contact Lenses and Tropical Chandelier

Monday, September 17, 2012

Beat The Depression - Make Money And Get Paid To Shop

Wouldn't it be great if you could get paid to do something you love too? Well, that might not be as unlikely as it seems. We all like to shop, right? So we have come up with 6 ways that you can get paid to shop! No kidding. We have compiled a list of 6 ways that you can go shopping, and make money doing it! Sound too good to be true? Well it isn't!

Become A Personal Shopper

Personal shoppers are often employed by large department stores or clothes shops, but there are also many freelance personal shoppers out there too, who rely on word-of-mouth or internet marketing to build up a client base. Personal shoppers are usually used by the wealthy, and are basically paid to assist their clients with their shopping.

Become A Mystery Shopper

Mystery shoppers are employed by market research companies to measure the quality of retail services, or to gather information on a particular company, product, service or brand. They do this by posing as regular customers, whilst carrying out a number of pre-agreed tasks, in order to test a specific aspect of that company.

Get A Staff Discount Card

If you are looking for work, and you have considered working in the retail industry, you could look around and find a store that offers its staff a discount on its products or services.

Go On Supermarket Sweep That's right, remember Supermarket Sweep? The game show saw couples battling it out in a series of shopping-related rounds, before the leading couple won the chance to take part in the 'Super Sweep', where they were given a 60-second trolley-dash around the store. Supermarket Sweep could be a unique and fun way to earn money shopping, but unless you live in Canada, your chances of being a contestant are slim - Canada is the only major world country where the show is still regularly filmed.

Invent Something Then Keep Buying It

Why not invent something that you would use everyday anyway, be sure to sign a royalties deal with your distributor, and then every time you buy your product you will get money back on it! It's genius! The only thing we need is a product that we would buy anyway...let us see... Toothpaste! Nope, its been done. Bin bags? The ones already available seem to do the job just fine if we're honest. Erm, toilet paper...? Hmmm, this is going to be harder than we thought...

Join Market America

Market America is a product brokerage firm that specializes in one-to-one marketing over the internet. Each Market America distributor gets their own web portal, through which they buy goods from the company and then re-sell them to customers. Market America stocks a huge range of products, from well-known brand names to their own exclusive ranges. The idea is that everything that you could ever need is under one, metaphorical 'roof', and you shouldn't ever really need to shop anywhere else. When people buy from your portal you receive a commission, and when you buy products yourself you get cashback, so you are literally being paid to shop with Market America.

To find out more about getting paid to shop with Market America, visit To discover the exact blueprint for adding 700 people into a Market America business and making a fortune just by shopping, click HERE to download your free report.

Joshua Fusonis a professional marketer, and has participated in the generation of over $14 million dollars in the direct-marketing industry in the past 4 years alone.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Plan to Build a Successful and Profitable Online Business to Make Money and Have More Free Time

You need an organized plan if you are going to start an online business. Just as with any other new undertaking, you will need to learn the basics before you can make any money on the internet. Once I began planning what I would do in my business, I began to make money.

In the beginning there will be much you need to learn, so set aside about one hour each day in order to do this. You will also want to make sure you are learning from someone who is knowledgeable so that your time is not wasted.

Joining a membership site where everything is broken down into modules can be the answer to this. You can then see how long it will take you to master the skills necessary to be successful online.

You must then make a plan of what you will learn first. You want your hour of training each day to be focused on the area of internet marketing that will help you to start making money sooner rather than later. I like to take some notes while I am listening to a teleseminar or watching a webinar replay. I write down the date and the title of what I am learning so I can easily access it later on. I also keep all of my notes in a spiral notebook so I can look at them later on.

Every 30 days I assess where I am at and what progress I have made. Then I put what I have learned into action so that I can make some more money online.

Remember that the reason to start an internet business is to give you the time and money to live the life you choose. Watch a free video on building your online business by visiting [] to learn how to write articles, blog, become involved in social networking and learn the technology needed to build a profitable online business.

Connie Ragen Green has been online since 2005 and teaches people how to build their own online business in record time, offering free teleseminars weekly, as well as online courses in a workshop environment with webinars.